International Volunteers

Fellowships > The French International Volunteers Program

The French International volunteer program is a partial fellowship from the French Embassy to support the salary of a French pre or post-doctorate (under 28 years old) who wants to conduct research in prestigious Israeli research institutes and universities in Exact / Life / Health Science or Engineering :

See our brochure (pdf) :        French   

Advantages :
– Approximately 1900€/month (1150€/month from the Embassy + 750€ /month from the host institution)
– One year program, renewable once (maximum of 2 years)
– The Embassy provides a plane ticket, health insurance and luggage transportation

Conditions – The candidate must :
– be under 28 years old, or, if he/she already has a Civiweb account, under 29
– have the French nationality and speak French as a mother tongue
– Apply for a PhD or Post-Doc and have an excellent academic cursus

How to apply?

Israeli professors wishing to host the candidate have to send the following documents to

  • the application form filled;
  • the candidate’s CV and motivation letter (in French);
  • one or two recommendation letters (in French or in English).

Some Israeli professors are looking for candidates : see the propositions we have.

3 positions are currently available :

– 2 starting on February 1st 2014;

– 1 starting on April 1st 2014.

DEADLINE for the 3: December 10th.
[infos en français]

Purpose of the program

This program is intended to promote scientific cooperation between France and Israel by supporting financially the work of a young French scientist in an Israeli laboratory, as a PhD student or post-doctorate. This grant is co-financed by the French Embassy and the Israeli host institution.

Though the international volunteer is conducting research in an Israeli institution, he/she remains an employee of the French Ministry of Foreign affairs. Which means that he/she will have to devote some time (2 days a month) to the activities of the Office for Science of the French Embassy.

About the process 

A young French scientist and an Israeli professor want to work together on a research project (PhD or post-doc) under the conditions of the International Volunteer Program. The Israeli professor has to submit a proposal describing the research project and attach the candidate’s CV to the application form (download the VI program application form).

Once we received the VI program proposal and the CV of the candidate identified for the position, the Scientific Attaché evaluates them and decides wether to continue the process or not.
If the proposal and the CV are accepted, the candidate has to send us by email a motivation letter (in French word or pdf) and one or two reference letter(s) (word or pdf), he/she will then be interviewed (on the phone or in person, depending on the candidate’s location) by the Scientific Attaché.
Information concerning the significance of each diploma in the French education system and their Israeli equivalents is available from the Scientific Office of the French Embassy.

Conditions for eligibility

The International Volunteer Program welcomes young French researchers. The applicant must create an account on the CIVIWEB website before his/her 28th birthday and start the contract before his/her 29th birthday.

Candidates must have achieved at least a Master of Science in any field of “hard science” or a degree in Engineering and may apply within the frame of a PhD or a Post-Doc. Candidates must speak a fluent English.


The program duration is 1 year, renewable once. Only one extension is possible for a total maximum duration of 2 years.


The volunteers receive a grant on a monthly basis, free of taxes. The grant is periodically determined by the French Government and is subject to change without notice. The value is approximately equal to 1912 Euros (January 2011) per month. The volunteer is also provided by the Fench Ministry of Foreign Affairs with health insurance coverage, one plane ticket (both ways) and transportation of 150 kg of luggage.

The Israeli Laboratory pays a part of the grant (min. 750 euros), i.e. less than half the allowance mentioned above.

For the French candidates

Once the candidate and the project are definitely accepted by the Scientific Attaché, the   future volunteer will be guided by us throughout the admistrative procedures.

The future volunteer will have to :
– create an account on Civiweb
– enter in contact with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) to establish an International Volunteer contract with the French administration. The volunteer will have to prepare the following papers: copy of the French identity card, copy of the “carte Vitale”, 4 passport pictures, bank details (RIB), police record extract (here), and a medical certificate guaranteeing  that he/she is able to be an International Volunteer in Israel and that he/she is up to date in vaccinations.
– The MAE will provide forms enabling the volunteer to create a “service passport” and order the transportation of 150kg of luggage to Israel by a private company (BBA)
– Once the volunteer gets his/her service passport, he/she will have to contact the travel agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who will issue a plane ticket for a trip  from France to Israel. This means that the candidate has to be in France for 2 to 3 weeks before the beginning of the contract.

For the Israeli host institution

The Israeli Laboratories participating in the selected projects will receive a contract form. The contract form indicates the month on which the project will begin, along with the duration and the amount of the financial participation for each side. The contract will be signed by the Attaché for Science & Technology, an administrative responsible of the hosting university, and the supervising professor.

The volunteers do not enjoy diplomatic immunity, but must remain neutral on political and professional issues. Moreover, they must spend a fraction of their working time conducting activities on behalf of the Embassy of France, primarily with the intention of developing links between French and Israeli scientific communities, or preparing reports connected to their own scientific activities. The volunteer can also register for courses at the Israeli University, provided that all academic requirements are present.


For more information

  • French Embassy’s Scientific and Academic Cooperation Programs:
    +972 (0)3 796 80 40